Friday, November 12, 2010

Genislash and why I have not studied in three days

Sometimes you discover things that you are convinced you were meant to discover. I felt like this when I read the Twilight books for the first time, and even more so when I discovered fan fiction, because it all sat very comfortably for me.

When I discovered slash, my entire world exploded. It was slashfic and Queer as Folk and homoeroticizing every male relationship I could get my hands on.

Then I stumbled upon this Kirk/Spock slash and my world exploded once more.

See, I've always been an epic geek in normal person terms and an average geek in real geek terms. Meaning I love Star Wars and Star Trek (of which I have watched most of the series) but it's never been anything that overpowered my existence (altough the last season or two of Voyager was earth shattering, I have to admit). Meaning I can appreciate appreciate warp theory and often dream of being born a couple of hundred years into the future, because I would've kicked ass in Starfleet.

Meaning that when I read this Kirk/Spock slash, I had to go digging deeper. And what I found was the beginning. The alpha. I found genislash.

Wikipedia has a surprisingly thorough article on the origins of slashfic, including references to some of the earliest known Kirk/Spock fan fiction stories, as well as fanzines and general awesomery.

I have read more fic in these last three days than I have in the rest of this year combined. I think what I find so attractive about the Trek fandom is the fact that tey have to be so much more creative with their story telling, because they will get slaughtered if they stray from the core character traits too much. So, in order to not be a 100k cliche, the author actually has to think about the universe they're writing in, create new characters and scenarios and back stories and it's just wonderful to read. You can tell there's a lot of love behind the writing. This is srs bsns writing. I kinda love it.

So, in conclusion, I have been completely enamored these last few days and ignoring the ugly/epic/mostimporantthingever exam that awaits me in little over a week (Sidebar: I discovered Twific while studying for my first ugly/epic/mostimporantthingever exam, so I'm seeing a kind of pattern here). I've been hoping that immersion therapy might work, but alas, I'm not getting this out of my system. I even wrote fic within fic, so it's obviously a desperate situation. In one last ditch effort to expel this constant urge, I will attempt to write heavily angsty Trek fic tonight. It probably won't work, but a girl can try. Otherwise I'll have to go cold turkey, and I can predict that it will be a pathetic sight to behold.

And that's all. Why I chose to write this down, I do not know.

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